Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

Susu Inovasi yang Sehat dan Halal untuk Pertumbuhan Anak

Kali ini, penulis pada blog-nya akan mensharingkan tentang susu. Dimana susu itu sangat penting bagi kita. Anak-anak maupun orang dewasa suka minum susu. Karena susu membuat tubuh kita sehat dan kuat. Susu Inovasi yang Sehat dan Halal untuk Pertumbuhan Anak agar anak dapat tumbuh sehat dan kuat, maka perlu untuk kita ketahui hal-hal berikut di bawah ini.

"Aku suka susunya hingga tetes terakhir..." 

Penggalan lagu dari iklan Frisian Flag ini sudah sering kita dengar. Susu, siapa yang tidak kenal susu. Susu merupakan bahan pelengkap dari 4 sehat 5 sempurna. Yap, minuman yang satu ini, merupakan salah satu minuman yang paling banyak dikonsumsi orang terutama oleh anak-anak. Dari saat kita bayi, kita sudah mendapat susu dari ibu kita yaitu ASI. dan ketika kita mulai berumur 2-3 thn kita sudah dibiasakan untuk dapatt meminum susu. Susu, tentulah minuman yang sehat dan bergizi bagi pertumbuhan anak. Apalagi susu murni, merupakan susu yang sangat bagus untuk merangsang pertumbuhan anak serta membantu anak dalam berpikir secara cepat, cermat, kreatif, dan inovatif. Oleh karena itu tidak jarang, susu yang kita temui di super market ataupun di mini market dimana banyak sekali pilihan susu untuk dapat merangsang pertumbuhan anak. Susu memniliki banyak manfaat bagi tubuh kita, apalagi bagi anak-anak yang sedang mengalami pertumbuhan, susu merupakan asupan gizi yang paling baik.

Berikut ini adalah manfaat susu, antara lain:

  • Mencegah osteoporosis dan menjaga tulang tetap kuat. Bagi anak-anak, susu berfungsi untuk pertumbuhan tulang dan membuat anak menjadi bertambah tinggi
  • Menurunkan tekanan darah
  • Mencegak kerusakan gigi dan menjaga kesehatan mulut. Susu mampu mengurangi keasaman mulut, merangsang air liur, mengurangi plak dan mencegah gigi berlubang.
  • Menetralisir racun seperti logam atau timah yang mungkin terkandung dalam makanan
  • Mencegah terjadinya kanker kolon atau kanker usus
  • Mencegah diabetes tipe 2 
  • Mempercantik kulit
  • Membantu agar cepat tidur. Hal ini karena kandungan susu akan merangsang hormon melatonim yang akan membuat tubuh mengantuk .
Dari manfaat susu diatas, kita pun perlu mengetahui jenis-jenis susu yang beredar di pasaran, apakah susu tersebut halal atau tidak.

Kita perlu mencermati mengenai susu yang seringkali kita temui di super market ataupun di mini market. Susu yang beredar di pasaran saat ini kebanyakan adalah susu yang dikemas dalam bentuk olahan atau susu formula. Artinya, susu tersebut sudah mengalami pencampuran dengan bahan-bahan lain sesuai dengan formula yang diinginkan, lengkap dengan rasa dan aroma yang berbeda-beda. Ada yang rasa cokelat, vanila, strawberry, dan sebagainya. Ada pula tambahan pengawet agar susu tidak cepat basi.  Dari proses pengolahan dan penambahan tersebut membuat susu yang pada awalnya halal menjadi produk yang harus dicermati kehalalannya karena menggunakan bahan tambahan dan bahan-bahan yang lain yang belum tentu halal.

Karena itu perlu kita ketahui bersama, agar susu, yang halal bisa dikonsumsi secara aman, maka baiklah kita perhatikan poin-poin penting yang terkandung dalam susu. 

Pada susu cair, yang harus dilakukan sebelum pengemasan adalah pasteurisasi, yaitu pemanasan yang ditujukan untuk mematikan kuman-kuman. Namun sebelumnya juga ditambahkan berbagai bahan untuk memperkaya kandungan gizi susu, seperti penambahan susu bubuk tanpa lemak untuk memperkaya protein, beberapa vitamin dan mineral.

Pada pembuatan susu bubuk prosesnya lebih kompleks. Dari susu segar, komponen-komponennya dipisahkan terlebih dahulu sesuai dengan formula yang diinginkan. Misalnya, ada susu-susu yang khusus dengan kandungan lemak yang rendah, susu rendah laktosa, atau susu tinggi protein. ada pula yang diambil krimnya yang tinggi lemak sehingga menjadi susu krim.

Bahan-bahan tambahan lain pada susu yang harus pula dicermati adalah penggunaan vitamin, mineral, asam amino dan flavor. Sumber vitamin ini bisa dari hewan, tumbuhan, sintetik kimia atau produk mikrobial. Bila dari hewan tentu harus dilihat jenis hewan dan penyembelihannya. Jika dari produk mikrobial maka harus dilihat media yang digunakan untuk pertumbuhan mikrobianya.

Beberapa vitamin juga bersifat kurang stabil dalam proses pengolahan sehingga perlu dilapisi atau di-coating. Bahan pelapis dapat berupa gelatin ataupun asal tumbuhan seperti gum arab. Mineral juga harus diperhatikan karena ada mineral yang dapat diperoleh dari bahan-bahan hewan, seperti kalsium dari tulang belakang, hal ini perlu ditelesuri apakah halal atau tidak.

Demikian juga dengan asam amino bisa berasal dari hewan, tumbuhan ataupun produk mikrobial, sedangkan flavor merupakan produk komplek yang dapat terdiri dari bahan sintetik, asal tumbuhan, asal hewan dan produk mikrobial.

Oleh karena itu sebagai konsumen susu, kita harus memperhatikan kode produksi dari Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan (BPOM), pastikan bahwa susu yang dikonsumsi adalah susu yang telah dijamin kehalalannya. Cara paling mudah untuk memilih susu yang telah bersertifikat halal adalah dengan melihat label halal pada kemasan susu tersebut.


Jumat, 11 Mei 2012

Korean Food!!!

Annyonghaseyo yeoreobun..!!!

Today I want to discuss about Korea as fans of K-pop, you must to know about the country where K-pop come from. Because  it will make you get more knowledge and if people ask you about it, you can answer it well… Ok!! And I want to discuss one by one…
Let’s start with Korean food… Guys for you who love to watching Korean drama must be familiar with Korean food. Either in restaurant or in the road side, usually in restaurant we can meet traditional and healthy food that is Kimchi, Samgyupsal, Bulgogi, etc. and in the road side you can meet ddukboki, or fish cake.
Whether you are planning to eat in a Korean restaurant, visit Korea, or cook your own Korean food at home, this quick introduction to Korean cuisine will give you all the basics you need.

The Side Dishes
Korean food stands out from other cuisines with the many side dishes (banchan) that are served during meals. The number of side dishes can range anywhere from 2 to 12, but everyday meals feature at least a few. So when you eat at a Korean restaurant, your various side dishes will come to you before your meal in small bowls, and can be anything from vegetables to meat to seafood prepared in any number of ways. Korean dishes are all served at the same time, so there are no separate courses like in Western cuisines.

The Basics
Rice is the backbone of almost every Korean meal. On rare occasions, noodles will replace the rice, but the vast majority of the time, every person eats a bowl of rice with their meal. Typically, each person will also have their own bowl of soup or stew. The side dishes and main dish or dishes, which can be meat, seafood, or tofu are all be served family-style in the middle of the table. Sometimes a large stew will replace the main dish and will be served family-style at the table.

Common Ingredients
Koreans have perfected the art of preserving food over thousands of years, so many of the side dishes are pickled, salted, or fermented and many are spicy. Kimchi, Korea's famous spicy cabbage, has over a hundred varieties with different vegetables, including some non-spicy types.
There are hundreds of varieties of kimchi made with a main vegetable ingredient such as napa cabbage, radish, scallion or cucumber. Kimchi is also a main ingredient for many Korean dishes such as kimchi stew (kimchi jjigae), kimchi soup (kimchiguk), and kimchi fried rice (kimchi bokkeumbap).
Even though Korean stews and soups are served very hot (almost boiling), many of the side dishes are served cold or at room temperature.
Korea is a peninsula, so Koreans eat a lot of seafood although meat has become very popular in the last 50 or so years. The most common spices and sauces used in Korean cuisine are: sesame oil, chili pepper paste (kochujang), chili pepper flakes (kochukaru), soybean paste (daenjang), soy sauce, garlic, ginger, and scallions. As a result, much of Korean cuisine is intensely flavored, savory, and bold.

The Little Things
Everything, including meat and poultry, is cut into bite-sised pieces so there is no need for a knife. Koreans are also adept at using chopsticks so if the meat is too large or a whole grilled fish is served, it can be split with chopsticks. (Many Korean meat dishes are braised or marinated for a long time for a tender flesh). Korean food is traditionally eaten with stainless steel chopsticks and a long stainless steel spoon and is traditionally served at a low table with people sitting on the floor.

Some Korean Culinary History
Korean cuisine has been affected by its geography (peninsula), climate (hot, humid summers and very cold winters), proximity to neighbors China and Japan, and the Japanese occupation from 1910-1945. European traders also had an impact in the cuisine with the Portuguese introduction of chili peppers to Korea in the 17th century. By the 18th century, chili peppers were already being widely used in the preparation of Korean cuisine.

For the Korean food I know and I want to eat such as:
1     Kimchi (I already ate this, and so hot)

Kimchi is traditional food from Korea, and it is good for health, kimchi has become the healthiest food in the world. Kimchi, is fermented food use radish, napa cabbage, red hot chili pepper from Korea, cucumber, onion, garlic, etc.

Samgyopsal; Commonly served as an evening meal, it consists of thick, fatty slices of pork belly meat (similar to uncured bacon). The meat, usually neither marinated nor seasoned, is cooked on a grill at the diners' table. Usually diners grill the meat themselves and eat directly from a grill. It is often dipped into a spicy pepper paste.

Kimbab (I already taste this too, and it taste like sushi); Is a food from Korea and usually become side dishes. It use nori, rice, carrot, etc.. just like sushi

Bibimbap; Is Korean food with mix all the foods in rice.. in Indonesian it is called nasi campur or nasi rames.

Yangnyeom Tongdak; Fried chicken with soy sauce and chili sauce…

Bulgogi; Is a Korean dish that usually consists of marinated barbecued beef, chicken or pork

Hoeddok; Is a variety of filled Korean pancake, and is a popular street food of South Korea. It is usually eaten during the winter season. The dough for hotteok is made from wheat flour, water, milk, sugar, and yeast. The dough is allowed to rise for several hours. Handful-sized balls of this stiff dough are filled with a sweet mixture, which may contain brown sugar, honey, chopped peanuts, and cinnamon. The filled dough is then placed on a greased griddle, and pressed flat into a large circle with a special tool with a stainless steel circle and wooden handle as it cooks

Soelleongtang; is a Korean broth soup made from ox bones (mostly leg bones), brisket and other cuts. Seasoning is generally done at the table according to personal taste by adding salt, ground black pepper, red pepper, minced garlic, or chopped spring onions.

Soondubu jigae; is a hot and spicy jjigae (Korean stew) dish made with uncurdled dubu (tofu), seafood (oysters, mussels, clams and shrimp are common ingredients), vegetables, mushrooms, onion, scallions, and gochujang or gochu garu (chili powder) in Korean cuisine.

Naengmyeon; Is  a Korean dish of long and thin hand-made noodles made from the flour and starch of various ingredients: buckwheat (memil), potatoes, sweet potatoes, naengmyun made with the starch from arrowroot (darker color and chewier than buckwheat noodles), and kudzu (chik). Naengmyeon is served in a large stainless bowl with a tangy iced broth, julienned cucumbers, slices of Korean pear, and either a boiled egg or slices of cold boiled beef or both.

Jajangmyeon; is a popular Korean dish, derived from the Chinese dish zha jiang mian. It consists of wheat noodles topped with a thick sauce made of chunjang (a salty black soybean paste), diced meat and vegetables, and sometimes also seafood.

Ddukboki. This Korean dish of cylindrical rice cakes (duk) covered in a thick, spicy sauce is a popular street food in Korea. It is also eaten as a casual meal at home or as a drinking snack.

Japchae; Is a Korean dish made from sweet potato noodles (called dangmyeon), stir fried in sesame oil with various vegetables (typically thinly sliced carrots, onion, spinach, and mushrooms), sometimes served with beef, and flavoured with soy sauce, and sweetened with sugar. It is usually served garnished with sesame seeds and slivers of chili. It may be served either hot or cold.


  Chal Moketsumnida!!!

 Source: http://koreanfood.about.com/od/koreanfoodbasics/a/Korean101.htm

Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

Rooftop Prince-옥탑방 왕세자


SBS make a new drama again and this is about romantic, fantasy, and comedy it is 3 in 1 drama. And this is quite good for people who love comedy drama.  This drama has 20 episodes

The story is about Crown Prince Lee Kak's wife, the Crown Prince transports 300 years into the future and arrives in 21st century Seoul, South Korea with his retainers. In the present day Seoul, the Crown Prince meets Joo Se-Na, who has an uncanny resemblance to his deceased Princess.
Lee Kak (later played by Micky Yoochun) is the Crown Prince. When he is ready to marry, Lee Kak wants to marry a beautiful woman. Boo-Yong (later played by 
Han Ji-Min) and Hwa-Yong (later played by Jung Yoo-Mi) are sisters. Hwa-Yong, the older sister wants to marry Crown Prince Lee Kak, but her father makes it clear that younger sister Boo-Yong will marry the Crown Prince. Hwa-Yong is so upset, she uses an an iron to burn Boo-Yong's face, pretending it was an accident. Now, Boo-Yong carries a big scar on her face. Eventually, older sister Hwa-Yong marries Crown Prince Lee Kak. Time passes and are now adults. Younger sister Boo-Yong is now a smart woman, good with needlework. Older sister Hwa-Yong is uneasy that her husband, Crown Prince Lee Kak, and Boo-Young get along well. One day, Crown Prince Lee Kak wakes up in the early morning. He finds that Hwa-Yong is not next to him. He feels something strange about the situation and calls for an eunuch. At this time, an eunuch comes running to the Crown Prince and informs him that Hwa-Yong is found dead in a pond. Lee Kak suspects that his wife's death is not by accident. He puts together a team to investigate his wife's death. When the team awaits to interview a witness, a group of assassins appears and chases them. Crown Prince Lee Kak and his men are chased to the edge of a cliff. The group jumps off the cliff.
Present Day
When Park Ha (later played by 
Han Ji-Min) was young, her father remarried and Park Ha gained older step-sister Se-Na (later played by Jung Yoo-Mi). When their parents left for work, older step-sister Se-na despised having to take care of her younger sister. One day, while younger sister Park Ha sleeps inside a truck, the truck suddenly departs. Even though Se-Na sees the truck leaving, she turns around and pretends that it isn't happening. Time passes, younger sister Park Ha is now living in America. While, Park Ha sells fruits as a sidewalk vendor, Yong Tae-Yong (Micky Yoochun) sees her and feels a connection with Park Ha. Yong Tae-Moo (Lee Tae-Sung) appears in front of Yong Tae-Young. They are cousins. The following day, the two men boards a yacht. While the boat is sailing, they have a small fight and Yong Tae-Yong falls into the water. His cousin doesn't attempt to save Yong Tae-Yong and actually attempts to hide evidence that he was there. He then jumps into the water and swims away. At this time, younger sister Park Ha receives a phone call that her family has been located in South Korea. Park Ha travels to South Korea and learns that her father has just passed away. At her father's funeral, Park Ha meets her step-mother and older step-sister Se-Na. Park Ha has no memory of how she was separated from her family. Park Ha settles down in Seoul. One night, when she comes back to her rooftop room, she discovers four men, in Korean traditional clothing, sitting in her room.

Cast By:
Lee Kak /
Yong Tae-Yong

Park Ha /

Yong Tae-Moo

Hong Se-Na /

Song Man-Bo

Do Chi-San

Woo Yong-Sool

Additional Cast Members:
Ban Hyo-Jeong - Yeo Gil-Nam
Park Jun-Keum - Yong Sul-Hee
Song Ok-Suk - Kong Man-Ok
Na Young-Hee - President Kang Seon-Ju
Kang Byul - Lady Mimi
Jeon Min-Seo - Park Ha / Boo-Yong (child)
Kim So-Hyun - Hong Se-Na / Crown Princess Hwa-Yong (child)
Choi Won-Hong - Crown Prince Lee Kak (child)
Maeng Sang-Hun - Park Ha's father (cameo)
Kil Yong-Woo - Boo-Yong's father (cameo)
Kyeon Mi-Ri - Boo-Yong's mother (cameo)
Kim Hyeong-Beom - Boo-Yong's brother (cameo)
Kim Yu-Seok - King (cameo)
Ahn Sang-Tae - Police Officer

Happy Watching!!!

Senin, 30 April 2012

Super Show 4 Indonesia by Super Junior

 Hello Guys, Long time no see...

For all ELF Indonesia, you must be so happy because our Idol Super Junior finally came to Indonesia and held conert for 3 DAYS...!!! Daebak...!!! Super Junior now become World Star because they already famous not only in Asia but also in Europe and USA.. I am as Super Junior's fans very proud with them.

And for 3 days they shock Indonesia with their Super Show 4... It was so amazing..they were very powerful and entertaining...I can't went to the concert, because I didn't get the ticket.. T_T But, I can get all the information during the Super Show by social media network and TV.. So, for ELF Indonesia who can't join the concert I want to share a little bit about their Super Show 4 in Indonesia.

Super Junior came to Indonesia in April 26, 2012 from Inchon to Soetta Airport... They arrived in Sotta at 4 pm (WIB). Elf Indonesia came to the airport to saw their Super Idol arrived from Inchon. But unfortunately, Super Junior didn't get out from the main door of International arrive but by the secret door in airport. So, many ELF feels disappointing because they can't see their Super Idol. And then they went to concert Location in MEIS, Ancol for rehearsal. Daeak!! They never get tired for it... I think because they drink Ginseng...^^

And for April 27, 28, and 29 they held the concert for Indonesian ELF. They were amazing in concert and show the best for their performance either in group or solo... There were daebak story, while shindong solo, he took Vidi Aldiano's song "Cinta Jangan Kau pergi" and he sang and dance with that song..Shindong said that he likes Indonesian nusic and he likes Vidi Aldiano's song...Lee Teuk also explain that before they came to Indonesia they never heard Indonesian song but after they came to Indonesia, they found Indonesian song "Cinta Jangan Kau Pergi" and that song match with Korean music, so they learn about that song to sing that song.. Vidi must be proud, Indonesian must be proud also...^^
In concert Super Junior member also show their abilities in spoken in Bahasa Indonesia such as Shin Dong who like to say thank you in Indonesian such as "Terima Kasih" and "Hatur Nuhun" He like to said Hatur Nuhun while Lee Teuk said "Saya suka Indonesia gadis" maybe it means I like Indonesia girls, but he translated literally...^^

Lee Teuk playing Saxophone - You're my Endless Love

Shindong sing and dance "Cinta Jangan Kau Pergi"

Kyu Hyun Sing "Isn't she lovely"

Superman Performance

In April 28, 2012, Super Junior held Press Conference at 17.20 WIB before their concert. The press conference were good. Because they answer all the question with smile and enthusiastic. They began the press conference with their famous greeting "Uri-nun Supo Juni-eoyo". At this press conference they said that they very happy with all Indonesian Fans.. Sungmin said that Indonesian fans was so aggressive and also warm. Because he ever met with Indonesian fans in Korea when he becaome dj in radio in Korea, and they were so warm and kind and also aggressive...and that makes Sungmin so happy ^^. Lee Teuk also explain about their concert, that they were very happy to come to Indonesia. They were come to Indonesia twice but once because they have to became a guest star for the show (KIMCHI) but now they came because their concert. They were very happy with warm response from Indonesian fans just like weather in Indonesia which is warm too...^^ Super Junior also got record for their 3 days concert. Because they are the first Asian Artist who held concert for 3 Days, and also so  many fans who came to watch their performance. 진짜 대박...^^

When Super Junior has been asked about 3 things that they bought when travelling, Kyu Hyun answer Mp3 Player, because he is a singer so he likes to listen the music, Toothbrush and tooth paste to stay health and, and the last is the love for the fans...SO cute Kyu Hyun!!!

After their concert in last day which is April 29, 2012 they went to Soetta Airport and came back to Korea directly... And the funny thing that I know that Eunhyuk and Sungmin has bet about something and Eunhyuk lose so, he have to wear Marylyn Monroe costume that is costume that has been wear by Sungmin in concert... So, when they arrive in Korea this morning Eunhyuk show up with his Monroe costume and became Monhyuk...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ....And Siwon said that this is my girlfriend a world star Monhyuk...^^


   When came to Indonesia

   When came back from Indonesia


Siwon and his girlfriend Monhyuk

This is that I can share about Super Show 4 Indonesia for 3 days in MEIS, Ancol...^^

I hope you enjoy it ^^

슈퍼주니어 파이팅...


Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

Protect The Boss

For a long time I’ve never been writing my blog. Since I have work to do, and quite busy. But now, I really want to to write my blog. Because the is a new drama that I want to share…

Eventough this drama was release in March 2011, but because I just watching this drama, so I am just going to share to the K-drama lovers…

Protect The Boss is the title of this K-drama.

Basically the short synopsis is about No Eun Seol (Choi Kang Hee) who the lead actress of this drama finally gets a job as a professional secretary at a large conglomerate after struggling with unemployment, only to fall in love with her boss, Cha Ji Heon (Ji Sung), the immature youngest son of a chaebol family. And Cha Mu

Woon (Kim Jae Joong) also appear as the rival of Cha Ji Heon even in job and love.

This drama is quite funny, because this is the first time, I’m watching drama that the rival is not making something to get down his enemy, but acting like a child. Lead actor
Ji Sung also acting like a child. But he has panic disorder which is going to be panic if be in public…

And also there is rival of No Eun Seol that is Seo Na Yoon (Wang Ji Hye), from the first time they met they also fighting, but then they become friends…How cute is that?? J
And also Mu Woon then become friends with Ji Heo
n …So, this drama have a good happy ending…

So, guys if you want to watch this drama, I guarantee that you won’t be disappointed… J

Cast By:

Choi Kang Hee as No Eun Seol

Ji Sung as Cha Ji Heon

Hero Jaejoong as Cha Moo Won

Wang Ji Hye as Seo Na Yoon

Lee Hee Won as Yang Ha Young

Park Young Kyu as Chairman Cha

Cha Hwa Yun as Shin Sook Hee

Kim Young Ok as Mrs. Song

Ha Jae Sook as Lee Myung Ran

Jung Kyu Soo as No Bong Man

Kim Hyung Bum as Secretary Kim

Kim Ha Kyoon as Secretary Jang

Kim Chung as Hwang Kwan Jang

Kim Seung Wook as Park Sang Moo

Lee Hee Jin

Ahn Nae Sang (cameo)

Oh Hyun Kyung (cameo)

Yoon Gi Won (cameo)

Happy Watching!!!